I still remember the day (some 10 years ago!) I was given this book. In the beginning I didn´t get the point of that "weird" gift; it was awkward: just a bunch of senseless tasteless printed pages! I felt so frustrated because everybody around was telling me how easy and fascinating it was! “You can’t see a rabbit there? And the flower? Don’t tell me you can’t see the flower! Its right there, you can almost touch it!! oh! and the heart is so beautiful" geezz…."What are they talking about?" I remember of thinking... "I give up: this book is crap! Just colorful pages with no use! Annoying!! So many things to offer and they buy me this!!" But then I realized it was just a matter of patience aaaand a little bit of technique! Here is how I finally managed to SEE the "obvious" and beautiful 3D images:
1. Go close to the image, almost put your nose on the screen and let your eyes see the CENTER of the “blurred” pic; don´t worry about not getting a perception because soon you will.
2. Keep your eyes focused on the image, close to the screen and let them get a bit "tired" of that proximity; while doing so try to see beyond the image, really focus like you were trying to see something beyond the screen ( some 5 sec is enough)!
3. Then very slowly move the image away from your face BUT keeping your eyes in the same focusing position (like if you were trying to get “cross-eyed” vision); don´t blink.
4. When you are about 10/20 cm of the screen stop and keep focusing; don´t blink!
Do you see the 3D picture? Something with a very defined shape? If you do, keep on staring at it and it will get even more defined! You will want to touch it so real it seems!
It is amazing and works like eye-gymnastics! It doesn’t harm vision but to the contrary is recommended by many eye doctors in order to train the eyes to work together; some people lack stereoscopic vision and so they definitely can’t see these pictures. Hope it is not your case; keep on practicing and enjoy the fascinating world of hidden 3D images!! You will get addicted! [click on the pictures for a better look!] ;)

What do you see? answer on the comments!! ;)Learn more on wiki
7 comentários:
Can't see nothing!!!!
Grrrrrrr... LOL
ooouhhh...I know how it feels like!! ahahah BUT you must keep on trying!! Don´t give up! follow the technique I told you...You will see a 3 dimensional "thing" maybe and object or an animal...in the first picture you will just see the tigers in 3 dimensions but in the other pictures you will see something else ;)
It´s worth it a try!!! believe me :P
beijinhos grandes*** tenho andado com as entregas de relatórios e não tenho tido tempo nenhum pra nada...logo k possa falamos ok? :*
ahahahah!!! vejo tudo!!!!
primeira: uns tigres mais á frent e outrops mais atrás...
segunda: aglomerados de lacasitos!
terceira: um patinho!
ultima: (á gato fedorento) UM COELHINHO! eheheh
a minha mente é um espectáculo! e consigo ler o texto do post acima! Sou acima da média, até tenho medo! :D
It's a bunny!
yes "white rabbit", it´s a "fellow" of yours. Did you really see it or you just read what was written in the tab huh? :P don´t cheat!!!!
eu não vejo aglomerados de lacasitos! vejo aglomerados sim, mas de pintarolas!!! ;)
na 1a os tigres ficam 3D na 2a vejo bolinhas na 3a vejo um pato..... so naum vejo nada na 4.... rsrsrsrs adoro magic eye
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