This video was taken from; here Pat Condell (former comedian(?)) speaks out about Fitna (the documentary about Islam made by Dutch gentleman Geert Wilders) and the reaction to it. Listen carefully because, even if sometimes he seems to be joking, he is, in fact, giving a serious opinion on the way we behave when it comes to defend our cultural/social values.
Off all the values the West praises I think FREEDOM is definitely the most important. To me it´s the only value that´s worth my life. I wouldn´t think twice if I had to give my life for it! Freedom of speech, freedom itself!, is the greatest achievement of western civilization. Well, actually first you must be free to make your choices and to express your thoughts and then we´ll see if you deserve to be called "civilized". There can be no "civilization" without freedom. Without freedom you can live peacefully but you´ll be living in mediocrity. You may act "civilized", apparently doing no harm and behaving correctly, respecting an imposed morality but is that being civilized? No, that´s just being a prisoner.
Despite all the opinions you might have on mr. Wilder´s movie on one thing we must all agree: he had the right to do it and he should be encouraged by all western civilized people to show it to the world. It´s OUR way of being. We are FREE people and we should be allowed to freely express our ideas as long as they don´t offend the dignity of others and they don´t incite to violence which definitely Fitna doesn´t!
Off all the values the West praises I think FREEDOM is definitely the most important. To me it´s the only value that´s worth my life. I wouldn´t think twice if I had to give my life for it! Freedom of speech, freedom itself!, is the greatest achievement of western civilization. Well, actually first you must be free to make your choices and to express your thoughts and then we´ll see if you deserve to be called "civilized". There can be no "civilization" without freedom. Without freedom you can live peacefully but you´ll be living in mediocrity. You may act "civilized", apparently doing no harm and behaving correctly, respecting an imposed morality but is that being civilized? No, that´s just being a prisoner.
Despite all the opinions you might have on mr. Wilder´s movie on one thing we must all agree: he had the right to do it and he should be encouraged by all western civilized people to show it to the world. It´s OUR way of being. We are FREE people and we should be allowed to freely express our ideas as long as they don´t offend the dignity of others and they don´t incite to violence which definitely Fitna doesn´t!
"People living 500 years from now will look back on this period of history, and they'll laugh at us. Well, wouldn't you?"
I could be already laughing, but not because of muslims...they are unable to amuse me by now- their jokes are dirty and old and they are lame performers; sometimes the jokes are so senseless they get so utterly embarrassed that they even prefer to explode themselves, putting a definitive end to their miserable useless lives! Anyway,I could still try to laugh at the ridiculous muslims...the thing is, when I look to some of "our" politicians, to the pathetic way they behave all the time, I get sad and a bit desperate and I feel I want to cry. They are getting as lame as muslims-eventually they should consider exploding themselves too (far from us, please!, show some dignity and don´t copyright muslims).
"We" could be already making real fun out of the muslims, getting very nice laughters with the cartoons and movies, in a real mockery the old-western way but no...we are headless chickens, completely clueless, brainwashed and pathetic like some muslims are.
500 years...will that be enough time to "clean" (by "natural selection", of course! let´s not artificially speed the´s not so funny when we do so, believe me!) the world from stupid mentally ill people? I hope so, then Humankind can finally laugh at ALL of us!!
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