sábado, 8 de março de 2008

Falava eu [ironicamente] numa "Apologia do Individualismo"....

...quando dei de caras com um artigo muito interessante no "The Brussels Journal" (:

citando: "It is not surprising that between 1991 and 2001 deaths exceeded births by more than 40,000 [o artigo fala da Grécia mas bem podia falar de Portugal...]. The rearing of a family involves an unconditional commitment to another person, an undertaking whose emotional and financial costs are obvious and direct while many of the benefits are spread out in society and over time. A family man would say that nothing could compensate for the joys of family, but in a society where the individual perceives himself as the centre of the universe committed to the proposition that all joys and pleasures are equal, the family becomes just another choice among others. When duty and virtue have become antiquated terms that one only finds in books no one reads, we have a declining society entangled in the most petty and ephemeral affairs. Unburdened by the past, unimpeded from posterity, there stands the modern Greek [repito: podia ser Português!!]: a person free of any civic and moral duties.

The coming of the welfare state brought the monetarization of civic responsibilities and gradually degraded them to special interest sloganeering." fim de citação

É esta a sociedade que temos. O primeiro passo para a mudança é a tomada de consciencia da necessidade de mudar.

1 comentário:

Francisco Castelo Branco disse...

Ola! Vi o seu blogue e gostei bastante. Tem muito conteudo e bastante interesse......
Tenho um blogue . É www.olhardireito.blogspot.com ..... Gostava que o visitasse e desse uma opinião....

Obrigado pela atençao
